Deacon turned 8 month last week. I thought Zoe's first year of life went fast, but it feels like Deacons is going even faster. He had been quite cranky and fussy for a few weeks. I thought it was the lovely process of getting teeth, but after a couple weeks of this, no new teeth and then some pulling on the ears, I decided to take him in. Turns out he had a sinus infection, poor guy. He has been much more content now that we have him on an antibiotic.
Deacon now consistently sleeps 10 hours a night and takes 2 if not 3 good naps a day. He loves pretty much all baby food we give him, but prefers fruit over veggies. I made spaghetti the other night and blended some up for him and he loved that! He does have two teeth now and continues to chew on anything he can.
He has really started crawling at a quick pace and pulling himself up on everything as you can see from the pictures below. He loves this mobility, but his big sister is not so sure about it. I am hearing a lot more of "Deacon, no, stop, that's mine." Zoe loves her little brother and is usually very kind to him.
He has also started making more noises, they don't always sounds like happy noises, but they are:)
Deacon loves bath time and doesn't even mind water over his face:)
Love the pictures and videos of Deacon! He is really changing fast. I'm sure life is full of excitement.
Grandma Sheila
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