Friday, June 8, 2012

Change of pace!

School is finally out and we are enjoying a little different routine around here. Tony got a job working grounds at a gold course. He has worked there for a week and gotten plenty of hours, so we are thankful for that. This job also gets him free golfing, so he has gone out early before work a few days and gotten nine a quick round in. His boss is great and willing to be flexible with the schedule so Tony can be around when I start class next week.
My last day at school was Wednesday. I had a really great group of kids overall this year and was very happy with how the year went. That being said, I am so ready for a little break also. I am trying to get the house organized, more baby food made and other odd jobs before I start class next week. I have class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for three hours and Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 4 hours. It will be a busy 5 weeks, but so nice to get that many credits done in a short amount of time.
Zoe is loving having me home. Making breakfast, going to walk to the park, driving her princess car, having picnics just to name a few things have kept the two days I have been home so far very exciting.
Deacon is so close to crawling, he gets on all fours and just rocks, doesn't go anywhere. I am really not sure why we are so anxious for him to be on the move because that will only mean more trouble for us. He is now eating some sort and vegetable and fruit three times a day. I cannot believe how much he eats, he is getting so big. He continues to be a very happy boy unless hungry or tired.

I don't have many pics to share, that is a goal for the summer, get more pics of the kids. There is a new album on Shutterfly of our memorial day weekend in Illinois with my parents. We did some awesome hiking and had a great time.

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