Wednesday, May 16, 2012

6 month stats

I don't have much time to write, but I wanted to get Deacons 6 months stats up before I forget. Our computer crashed last week, so I have to walk to Tony's office anytime I want the internet, so sorry for the lack of blogging.
weight: 18 lbs 50%
height: 26 in   50 %
head circumference: 17 in  50%
So he is totally average and that is great:) Deacon LOVES to eat, he eats a few cubes of veggies and fruit at every meal with about 6 oz of formula. He gets a big bowl of cereal and apple sauce before he goes to bed. He has been sleeping a 9-10 hrs a night!
In other news, Tony and the group made it to Guatemala safely and they are having a great time. Deacon and I fly out to MN on Friday morning. Zoe has been in MN since Friday so I am very anxious to see her again.

That's all for now. Hopefully I can get some pics posted soon.

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