Tuesday, March 13, 2012

4 months

Deacon had his 4 month appointment on Monday. Here are his stats
weight: 15 lbs 8 oz - 75%
height: 24.25 - 25%
head: 16.5 - 50%
Deacon is healthy and developing as normal. He is still loving his cereal at night, I usually can't get it in quick enough. Because of this love for cereal he is sleeping through the night!!! He has slept about 9 or 10 hrs for the last week, it is wonderful! I nurse him in the morning and when I get home from school, every other time he gets formula.
Grandma Sheila was here for 6 days and both kids were spoiled and loved every moment. Zoe got to eat french toast every morning for breakfast.

Eating cereal is hard work.

Enjoying some Baby Einstein.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I sure miss hearing Zoe say,"When I grow up..." and Okay Grandma, I'll be the cheerleader and you be Deadra. Not sure how to spell her name? Thanks again for a great time at your place!
Grandma Sheila

Unknown said...

very nice my freind